Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course Surpasses All Others

WESTMINSTER, MD., January 5th, 2016 – Ventriloquism may be an illusion, but Tom Crowl's Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course is certainly not. With five free lessons to get aspiring ventriloquists started, Crowl proves he is not just passionate about teaching the art form, but eager to give everything he's got to those ready to learn with his breakthrough ventriloquist training.

The course launched in 2012. Since then, it has seen almost 4,000 national and international members pass through its virtual doors, turning dusty puppets and rusty ventriloquists into shining stars. Said Crowl of the groundbreaking course, “Until I created the Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course, there were only a few ways to learn ventriloquism online: Free ventriloquism websites or sites that sold books and DVD's, limited online articles, and lessons on YouTube. Each had its drawbacks. To learn ventriloquism on YouTube, you had to sit through tons of videos that spoof ventriloquists. Most of the videos were poorly made and the skills were not adequately explained. Others offered completely incorrect information. You could surf Youtube all day and be no closer to learning ventriloquism than when you started.”

These limited resources spurred Crowl to create a virtual space that delivered genuine information at an incredibly affordable rate. With the help of his team, he designed videos that offered everything other courses and YouTube videos lacked: Actionable items, integrity, and professional knowledge. All of this is delivered with fun and laughter, traits that come naturally for the comedian ventriloquist. From free lessons to core lessons and master classes, Crowl has every base covered. An online store at the learning site also offers puppets, DVD's, and other novelties for purchase. Students, both past and present, can't stop raving about Tom Crowl and his killer course.

John Morgan is a past student. He says, “This is a great course! This is an essential course, and one with this level of depth has been a long time coming. Vents (ventriloquists) should be lining up. The more I study ventriloquism, the more I begin to understand that this is more than just about lip control. We have to be jacks of all trades. This course is concise and focused on our needs. Tom, you have outdone yourself!”

Said graduate Sarah Jones, “This course is the definitive guide to learning ventriloquism. It makes learning ventriloquism a snap, no matter what your learning style is. Whether you are an absolute novice starting from scratch or a seasoned pro ready to refresh your skills, this course will be an investment in your future.”

Ventriloquist Chuck Lyons added, “I am always looking to improve, so I purchased the Learn-Ventriloquism Course after reviewing the free ventriloquist lessons. It took my skill level to a higher point, especially when it came to saying the more difficult letters. I sounded clearer and made sense. Tom has taken the ventriloquism course from the old time mail order into the modern age with the Internet. If I had it 40 years ago, who knows where I'd be today.”

The thing that genuinely sets the Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course apart from any other is the way Crowl teaches. Designed as if he were sitting directly in front of you, the comedian ventriloquist delivers lessons thoroughly, and with patience and accuracy.

“The course was structured in a way that the ventriloquist lessons followed on from the previous lesson,” student Ian Mac said, “covering all the letters and those dreaded labials. Tom gets right up close to the camera so you can see tongue positions for the letters. Each video is accompanied with a written lesson and additional exercises, as well as written instruction on each lesson with work cards to practice and develop the sound. The course also covers finding the correct puppet/figure to use, as well as creating a character for that puppet. Writing scripts and joke files is covered to help develop your performance.”

Tom Crowl's authenticity and desire to deliver with his online ventriloquist training has earned him a reputable partnership with Maher Ventriloquist Studios, the International Ventriloquists Society in Barefoot Bay, Florida. Creating content that was genuine and useful was very important to Crowl.

“As a professional ventriloquist, it hurts me to see the art abused by people,” Crowl said. “Anyone interested in learning ventriloquism should be able to get access to proper instruction. Let the people who are only curious play the misinformation game. The Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course is designed for people who want to learn how to be a ventriloquist. If you are seriously interested in learning ventriloquism, you have found the right place.”

Anyone interested in the course can register for the first five Ventriloquism Lessons for free! To sign up visit: http://learn-ventriloquism.com
To see what others are saying about the ventriloquist training course, click here.
For booking and to learn more about Tom Crowl, please visit: http://comedyventriloquist.com

41 Fun Corporate Event Ideas

41 Fun Corporate Event Ideas

We've got 41 Fun Corporate Event Ideas to share with you!

Companies hold corporate events for a variety of reasons.

  • You may want to attract new customers.
  • Thank your current clients.
  • Build buzz about your business.
  • Develop out-of-the-office camaraderie.
  • Show employee appreciation.
  • Recognize key players in your workforce.
  • and the list could go on and on …

Corporate events allow you to capture the attention of your attendees. But if the event isn't fun, people can quickly lose interest. When that happens your goals fail and the budget goes down the drain.

So here are some of the most
fun corporate event ideas
we've heard about!

One way to have a fun corporate event is to use a theme. You could have:

  1. A Parking Lot Picnic,
  2. A Charity Bake Sale,
  3. A Snack and Dessert Cart
  4. Theme Lunches – i.e. – tailgating, potluck, Irish, etc.
  5. Indoor Mini Golf – have each department create a hole.
  6. Office Chair Races – clear the hallway, the race is starting.
  7. Who's Baby Picture Is That?
  8. Office Trivia – always a fun time.
  9. Inflatable Costumed Sumo Wrestling,
  10. Karaoke All-Stars
  11. Dancing With The Office Stars
  12. TV game shows –
    • Office Feud – department family against department.
    • Jeopardy – A question is your answer.
    • The Price Is Right – prices or guess the value?
    • Wheel of Fortune – an elaborate game of hangman.
    • Who Wants To Be A Millionaire – quiz your staff.
    • Trading Spaces – office makeover.
    • The Great Race – who will complete the tasks first?
    • Cupcake Wars – delicious competition.
    • Iron Chef – which chef will win?
  13. Pumpkin Decorating
  14. Guess How Many – always a fun time.
    • penny jar
    • M&M's
    • be creative …
  15. Kiss The Pig Voting – great charity fundraiser and company fun.
  16. Sports –
    • ping pong – indoors or out.
    • tennis – anyone?
    • racquetball – a bit more competitive.
    • badminton – who has a set?
    • kickball – easy to organize.
    • baseball – company team or department playoff.
    • horsehoes – an age old favorite.
  17. Slogan or logo contest – harness everyone's creativity.
  18. Hulahoop – shake your booty.
  19. Tricycle Race – wacky competitive fun.
  20. Walking – healthy habits and team building
  21. Craft Sale – another excellent charity fund-raiser.
  22. Employee Car Wash – good clean fun.
  23. Golf With The Boss – improving employee/management relations.
  24. Archery – Improving aim.
  25. Go-Karting – just plain fun!
  26. Bike Run – exercise and team building.
  27. Company Anniversary – celebrate!
  28. Office Poker – break out the chips.
  29. Motivational Speakers – inspire for greater achievement.
  30. Juggling Workshop – help busy employees focus.
  31. Magic Class – help your employees master the impossible.
  32. How To Be A Ventriloquist – a unique skill to learn.
  33. Scavenger Hunt – who will finish first?
  34. Random Acts of Kindness – enough said!
  35. Office Dares – Who will take the challenge?
  36. GPS Geocache – find the hidden items on a mystery tour.
  37. Paper airplane challenge – how far will it go?
  38. Build a boat – will it actually float & how much weight will it hold?
  39. The Egg Drop – craft a way to protect an egg during a drop.
  40. The BBQ Challenge – who on your staff makes the best BBQ?
  41. Go green – Have employees develop energy saving ideas for your company

Not every corporate event has to be an expensive or lavish affair. Creating a fun atmosphere keeps your staff invested in the company. With a happy workforce knowing they are an important part of the big picture, productivity increases.

If your fun corporate event ideas involve corporate entertainment, contact our office to discuss how we can bring the funny to your fun!

Find Performers for Corporate Events – 12 Tips To Help You Get The Right One

Find Performers for Corporate Events – 12 Tips To Help You Get The Right One

Find Performers For Corporate Events
12 Tips To Help You Select A Corporate Entertainer That Rocks Your Company Function

Planning a corporate event can be stressful. Here are some tips to make hiring corporate entertainment easier on you!

find performers for corporate events

1. Don't Allow Yourself to Fall into The Same Old Thing. Using the same corporate entertainer you hired last year can reduce the effectiveness of your program, even if people liked the show. Look for ways to improve the event entertainment every year. It keeps your guests excited about your functions, instead of making them tired and redundant.

2. Remember That Corporate Entertainment has to be Clean and Not Offensive. You'll want to make certain your corporate entertainer understands that from the start.

3. Know Your Budget. The two things most people remember about a corporate event are the food and the entertainment. Decide on a per person expense to determine your entertainment budget. If you are spending $80 a head for dinner and drinks, you don't want to ruin your evening with a $10 per guest entertainer. Popular entertainers or unique talents are usually more expensive.

They often say you get what you pay for,
and in corporate entertainment, that is usually true.

4. Learn About The Corporate Entertainer You Are Considering. Watch their video. Does their style meet your needs? Do you find them entertaining? If a video doesn't give you confidence in their abilities, ask to see more.

5. Talk With Potential Corporate Entertainers. They should learn about your event before providing a quote. Not every act is right for every event. By discussing your needs and goals, the entertainer will gain a better understanding of your guests, needs and desired outcome.

6. Discuss Logistics. Understand when they will arrive, set, sound check and coordinate with you. Know what they will need for sound and staging. Make certain they are willing to work to your schedule. You want their appearance to be a seamless part of the evening.

7. Request A Proposal. Some entertainers will attempt to sell you immediately by saying the date may not be available if you wait. That could be true, but don't get pressured into hire corporate entertainment without considering the conversation.  By requesting a proposal, you'll have everything in writing and something to share with bosses or committee members. You'll also know that the act listened to you and your needs because they will address those points in the proposal.

8. 100% Money Back Guarantee? You've only got one chance to get the night right. If the entertainer was confident in his or her ability to meet your needs and thrill the audience, why even bring up the subject? To make you feel more comfortable with the decision to hire them? If you have any concerns, don't allow a guarantee to sway you. Find someone you are confident can handle the event with no problems.

9. Request A Contract. Get everything spelled out in writing. The contract should include all the details of the event, including technical information for the performance. Know who provides what, and be positive of any special requirements which could add to your budget. Make certain everything is clear before you sign!

10. Keep Your Corporate Entertainment Informed. Make sure they know about any changes. If they are providing customized material, make certain they have as many details as possible well before the event, and are notified of any updates.

11. Promote Your Entertainment. Allow your guests to anticipate the performance by informing everyone of the show. Your corporate entertainer should be able to provide photos, press releases and other promotional materials upon request.

12. Enjoy The Show! If you have followed these tips, you can sit back, relax and have a great time knowing your corporate entertainment is in the hands of a professional.

When you need to find performers for corporate events, a holiday party, after dinner program or awards banquet, conference or seminar, contact our office for a free corporate entertainment consultation.  Our goal is your success.

The Best Corporate Entertainment Acts For Events

The Best Corporate Entertainment Acts For Events

Searching for the best corporate entertainment acts is a bit like deep sea fishing. You know there are plenty of fish there, you just aren't sure what you will catch.

“Best” is elusive.

Corporate entertainers that are a smashing success in one setting, may die in another. That is because no two audiences are the same. Your event, your message, your attendees and your goal are unique. Your corporate entertainment should be too.

The Best Corporate Entertainment Acts
Are Ones That Connect With Your Audience.

The corporate entertainer that is right for you takes part in a conversation. They don't just tell you what they do. He or she will:

  • Be curious about your event.
  • Ask questions.
  • Listen.
  • Offer suggestions.
  • Work with you.

Here Are Some Of The Best Corporate Entertainment Acts We Recommend:


Ventriloquism is more popular than ever. Jeff Dunham, star of Comedy Central is the top grossing touring comedian according to Forbes. Terry Fator won the second season of America's Got Talent and headlines sold out performances in Las Vegas. In 2015, ventriloquist Paul Zerdin won AGT, proving that good ventriloquists continue to be crowd pleasers.

Ventriloquist Tom Crowl is recognized as one of the top ventriloquists in the world.  He has appeared on NBC's Last Comic Standing and been the opener for legends of country music and rock and roll.

His performances have taken him from the resorts of Cancun, Mexico to the showrooms of cruise ships. He has been the featured event entertainer for companies such as Oxy Permain, Admiral Beverage and Toyota.

In addition to his 30 years in showbusiness, Tom also teaches other ventriloquists the art. His Learn Ventriloquism course is considered the best instruction in the field.

When Tom works with you, he personalizes the program for your event. During the program, your message, event and people become the stars of the show. If you are looking for corporate entertainment to keep your group laughing and involved, contact Tom now.

Corporate Magicians:

Corporate magicians come in all shapes and sizes. From ice breaking miracles during cocktails and networking to full blown stage shows following dinner.

The best corporate entertainment magicians evolve their act to become event based. They interact with your product, message and audience. Their magic amazes, engages and enthralls your attendees.

In his thirty plus years as a corporate entertainer, Tom has worked with many corporate magicians. Here are the few that he recommends:

Nathan Coe Marsh is one of the premier corporate magicians based in Orlando. He travels internationally amazing corporate audiences and event planners as a magician and speaker. An active member of MPI Orlando, Nathan understands the nuances & importance of corporate entertainment.

Nathan specializes in both mingling or strolling magic during cocktails and stage presentations. For more information on Nathan, contact our office now.

Mike Rose is another of Tom's favorite corporate magicians. Mike is an expert icebreaker. His strolling magic gets people laughing and talking at networking events. Mike's talents are in demand by major Gala events to break down barriers and introduce guests to each other. If you are looking for the best corporate entertainment for a cocktail hour, Mike is your man.

If you are looking for an amazing stage show of spectacular illusion, Brian Glow of Canada is an excellent choice. Brian is a high end illusionist recognized as one of the best in the world. His knowledge, experience and audience winning personality make him the preferred illusionist for top companies around the globe.


From juggling acts that have appeared on the Tonight Show to major venues around the world, jugglers are always a popular form of entertainment. Allow us to recommend these acts for your consideration:

The Raspyni Brothers – if you can get Barry and Dan, do it. Their comedy has been wowing corporate audiences since the 1980's. This award winning juggling duo has appeared on major television shows and been featured TedTalks more than 8 times.

Niels Duinker of Holland is one of today's hottest juggling acts. Niels holds several Guiness World Book records. He regularly headlines on cruise ships and in Las Vegas. Young, hip and in demand, Niels will bring energy to any corporate entertainment event.

Steve Russell is another excellent choice for corporate juggling. Steve's wacky sense of comedy makes him a hit with midwest audiences. A very versatile performer, talk to Steve about his Wacky Waiters program. He starts out disguised as a server during your meal. Audiences can't believe the antics and love when they realize they have been fooled by the evening's entertainment.

We hope these ideas and suggestions help with your corporate entertainment selection. Contact our office now to discuss your event needs.

With over 30 years in the entertainment business, Tom has worked with some of the best corporate entertainment acts in the business. There is no consultation fee, and unlike entertainment agencies, we do not take commissions from the acts we recommend. Our only goal is the success of your event.

Email or call us now.

Tips On Hosting An Employee Recognition Event

Tips On Hosting An Employee Recognition Event

It is always a great time to recognize your employees for their contributions to the company’s success.  Even if the economics aren’t favorable, providing employee recognition boosts morale and productivity of your staff and workforce.  Companies that focus on the value of their personnel find greater loyalty and dedication to the well-being of the corporation’s health.

When planning to recognize employees, make the presentation an event.  Awards presented in front of the staff do more for self-esteem than awards presented in private.   The recognition inspires the entire staff to work harder and reach higher to achieve your corporate goals.

As the planner of a recognition event, you will need to handle the minute details that create a successful function.

Here are some tips that can help make planning your
Employee Recognition Event easier.

Find a fitting venue.

You will need to determine if the location will be easily accessible for the guests.  Consider parking, room size, lighting, sound, available staging, pipe and drape (curtains) and possible seating arrangements for excellent visibility.  You will want to have access to a podium, but should also have access to hand held microphones on stands and wireless lavalieres in the event a presenter requests them.

It is important to discuss room availability for set up, sound check and striking your equipment following the event.  If the venue is catering your meal or refreshments, get everything down to the napkins and silverware in writing. This way the venue can provide you with a complete quote and there will be no surprises.

Once the room is arranged – get the invitations out!

Invitations should be sent at least three weeks prior to the event.  Make sure it is easy to R.S.V.P. so you have an accurate head count for the caterer.  If you haven’t heard from guests by the required date, have a follow-up in mind to be certain of your attendance numbers.

Order your awards! 

Talk with your supplier about the purpose of the awards event.  Find a trophy or plaque that will symbolize the event and purpose of the award.  Make certain your supplier will deliver the awards with enough time that you can check all engraving.  In the event of a mistake, you will want time for them to make corrections.

Talk to presenters early! 

They will need time to craft their speeches and prepare.  People may be funny in a one-on-one setting, but under the spotlight, an unprepared speech is painful to watch.  You may want to consider hiring a corporate MC to warm up the crowd and keeps the evening flowing.  A professional corporate emcee can do wonders to elevate the status of your recognition event.

Create an award profile for each recipient. 

Make sure to include their name together with a phonetic pronunciation.  There is nothing worse than having your name announced incorrectly at an awards banquet.  Have presenters practice the names so they get it right.  This small tip goes a long way in showing employees you value them.

Employee Recognition Event - Awards dinnerAvoid The Slow…

Have you ever been to an awards banquet that was painfully slow?  Nothing can kill the momentum of the evening like a drawn out awards program.  The Emmy Awards, The Oscars, The Golden Globes and all of the music awards shows have learned that viewership drops off as the evening wears on.

One way to solve the problem is to set a schedule and make certain everyone sticks to the agenda.  Presenters should be given time limits to make their speech before the award recipient is announced.  Make sure they craft their presentation with a short discussion of the specific contribution or reason behind the award.

If you plan on allowing recipients an opportunity at the microphone, ask people who are up for awards to keep acceptance speeches under 30 seconds.  This helps to prevent long winded speeches that can drag out the evening.   Keeping the presentations and acceptances on topic allow the program to flow smoothly.  Your evening can fly by before anyone notices.

Avoid long hikes from the back of the room when someone’s name is announced.  Plan your seating chart so the winners are spaced throughout, but have easy, fast access to the stage.  A DJ who can play some music as people make their way to the stage adds a great touch of class.

You may want to consider hiring a corporate emcee to keep everything on schedule.  A professional emcee will keep your audience laughing and enjoying the evening as he or she seamlessly guides the flow.  Problems may be easily covered and the emcee can also advise people to help shorten a program that is in danger of running too long.

If you plan on having awards banquet entertainment, consider placing the entertainment before the awards.  Following dinner, people require time for their food to digest.  If the awards slow down the evening, you may lose the audience before your entertainment ever hits the stage.  That is a waste of your budget.  A good program following dinner can elevate your audience into an excited state.  That will make the awards program even more enjoyable.

When you are hosting an employee recognition event and require an emcee or after dinner corporate entertainment, contact our office for a complimentary event consultation.  We look forward to helping you create an incredible evening everyone will remember!

Corporate Dinner Entertainment Ideas

Corporate Dinner Entertainment Ideas

Corporate Dinner Entertainment Ideas
That Keep People In Their Seats

Looking for after dinner shows that can deliver a stellar finale for your evening? With so many options it can be hard to decide what type of entertainment would be right. That is why we've put together a list of corporate dinner entertainment ideas that keep people in their seats.

Popular Corporate Dinner Entertainment Ideas

Awards Dinner Program:

People love to be recognized for their efforts. However after dinner awards shows can be excruciating to other guests. Someone who is not up for an award may eat and leave. Or uninterested guests can start conversations that create distracting background noise. If you plan to host an after dinner awards show, remember to keep it tight. Hiring an emcee to organize the participants is a smart decision. Professional emcees know how to keep things moving or cover if something unexpected happens.


Music is a popular choice for after dinner entertainment. Depending on the age range of your guests, music selection can be tricky. Not everyone will dance either. Make sure those not into the music still have a place where they can converse and enjoy the evening.


This type of entertainment is more suited to atmosphere than stage show. The drawings make a great “gift” for those lucky enough to become the artist's subject. Others often enjoy watching the likenesses appear on the drawing pad. Depending on the size of your guest list, you may find it helpful to have several caricaturists work your event. Keep in mind that floor space will be required for the artists to work, and lines might form.

Today, some artists have gone beyond the traditional caricaturist format. They use electronic sketch pads and can project their art onto screens based around the venue. Some artists even create their own stage shows, which can easily take this from atmosphere to show stopper. Talk with your artists to get a feel for where they will work best in your evening plans.

Celebrity Speakers:

Celebrity speakers can inspire, motivate or enlighten your audience. They can also add a major dent in your event budget. It is important to make sure a celebrity speaker will fit with your event. You don't want the speaker or their message to interfere with your strategic goals for planning the event. Other options can be emerging talents. People love to “discover” something new and noteworthy. Your event will definitely be remembered for introducing them!


Corporate comedians can keep your guests laughing while remembering they represent your company. The goal of the business comedian is to poke fun while remaining respectful.


From atmosphere entertainment to the main stage, dancers can liven up your evening entertainment. Be aware that many dancers not in major markets may have side jobs. This isn't to disparage them, everyone needs to eat. But dancing is hard and requires hours of dedication and work. In major markets like New York and Las Vegas, there are opportunities for dancers to practice and perform their art. Part time dancers can not be as dedicated, which can affect the overall performance if you hire a group or troupe.


Disc Jockeys are another very popular form of entertainment for after dinner events. While they can play a wider assortment of music than most bands, they may still not be able to please everyone. Remember the rule shared under the bands: make sure those not interested have a place they can converse, yet still be involved in the evening.

Fire Eaters:

Here is another talent that lends itself to atmosphere or stage. Make certain to check with your event venue to see if they allow this type of entertainment. You don't want sprinklers going off during the performance. Also be sure that all insurances are in place so you, the venue and the fire eater are covered in the event of an accident.


Another extremely popular form of after dinner entertainment is the juggler. The right combination of skill and comedy can keep your audience laughing and waiting to see if they will succeed.

Living Statues:

Living statues are fun forms of atmosphere entertainment. They not only add to the overall theme when properly presented, but can generate laughs from unexacting guests.


Imagine Sean Connery, Britney Spears, Billy Joel or any one of hundreds of celebrities making an appearance. Look-a-likes can be a fun form of atmosphere entertainment at a corporate dinner event.


Magic is another talent that lends itself to multiple uses for the corporate dinner event planner. Atmosphere entertainment during the cocktail hour can help break the ice as magic happens in their hands. Following a delicious dinner, a magician can amaze and perhaps even make your product, or CEO appear.

There are a lot of corporate magicians working today. If you'd like recommendations, please contact our office. We only recommend acts Tom has worked with in the corporate environment. Tom does not charge for this service, nor does he take a commission. Our only goal is your event's success.


Mind reading and amazing feats of memory can captivate your guests. Mentalists are becoming more and more prevalent in the after dinner entertainment market. Talk with them about their act to make certain they aren't duplicating the standard “magic square” finales that many mentalists use. You want something new and unique for your audience.


From classical players to small groups, musicians can add ambience to your event. One very popular use of musicians include violin or harp music during cocktail hours and dinner.

Pick Pockets:

At one time, pick pockets were very popular. You don't often see this type of entertainment at events anymore. In some cases, corporate magicians will incorporate pick pocketry into their acts. The full pick pocket show can be very entertaining for today's audiences.

Photo Booths and Photography:

Photo booths and crazy props are very popular forms of dinner event entertainment. People love to line up at the photo booth with their friends and pose in ridiculous manners. Talk with your photo booth supplier about the options. Guests love to take home their pics, which can end up on social media to promote your event efforts. Some suppliers can project the images on big screens during dinner, which add to the atmosphere of your dinner. You can also get picture albums of all the shots. These come in handy as memories, and for promoting future events.

Another corporate dinner entertainment idea is to have a photography studio set up. This is perfect for a classy event where guests will be dressed in their finest. You can even hire photographers to act as paparazzi if you host a theme event.


Working to karaoke tracks, singers can brighten the room at a dinner event. Tom worked with an excellent singer/DJ combination in St Augustine Florida recently. During dinner she sang many popular holiday tunes. As people finished their meals, they became more involved with the entertainment and ended with a standing ovation for her efforts.


You had to figure this one would be coming. (It is the website of a corporate ventriloquist after all.) Ventriloquism cuts across many age levels and is perfect for a diverse audience. With the popularity of Jeff Dunham and AGT winners Terry Fator (now Las Vegas headliner) Paul Zerdin and Darci Lynne Farmer, people are exposed to the art. Even with all that exposure, it is a talent seldom seen in a live setting. There is something about a puppet that comes to life that keeps people enthralled. Add in great comedy and you have a winner for unique corporate after dinner entertainment.

Wacky Waiters:

Wacky waiters will come at your guests so unexpectedly it creates a major surprise. The waiters blend in with the regular serving staff. Mishaps begin to happen at the amusement of the guests. As the antics go global, your attendees will begin laughing and enjoy the “surprises”.

Remember These Corporate Dinner Event Tips:

The corporate dinner's success pivots on a few select choices. These key points are location, food, atmosphere and entertainment. Falling short on any of these can result in all of your hard work going down the toilet. It is easy to scout location. Food is another easy point to nail. Atmosphere can be developed in a variety of manners. Everything from decorations to music to lighting and ambience.

After Dinner Entertainment Can Be Tricky. 

corporate entertainer you see nail the show in one location, may not be right in another. There is no one size fits all when it comes to entertainment. That is why Tom works with you to provide personalized after dinner programs.

Make your corporate dinner a memorable event. Keep your guests laughing with a hilarious after dinner show of variety comedy. Contact our office now to discuss your corporate entertainment needs.

Ventriloquist Books

Ventriloquist Books

The first ventriloquist book I remember reading was Ventriloquism For Beginners by Douglas Holden. The subject was fascinating, unfortunately the explanation was confusing.

Teaching someone how to speak using the written word is not easy. We speak sounds, not letters. Still, books are a traditional method for teaching the art.

In putting this article together, I found several sites offering free book downloads. Others offering free ventriloquist book pdfs. I did not check any further than opening the page. None of the sites looked trustworthy of a download. That can be a sure way to pick up a computer virus.

If you want to be a ventriloquist, my online ventriloquist training is still the way to go.  I teach you start to finish in virtual lessons. You can interact and ask questions in the online forum. You'll make friends with others on the same path as you.

Can't afford the online course? Ventriloquist books are a good alternative. Below is a list of books you may want to consider.

Ventriloquist Course Books: The Maher Course Of Ventriloquism

Lesson 1 – Introduction to Ventriloquism, Speech Production, and A Word to Pre-Teen Students.

This is a great introduction to the skill of ventriloquism. Lesson one goes into the details of how speech is created. I found it fascinating. The first time I read this, I had never really considered what goes into creating the words we say. I did it, just never thought about it. This lesson makes you think about the mechanics behind your ability which comes in handy over the entire course.

Lesson 2 – The Ventriloquist Voice, Voice Throwing, Breathing and Breath Control, and The Ventriloquist Mouth Position.

What is the ventriloquist voice? Is it a funny voice for your puppet? (No… it isn't.) Can you really throw your voice? And what is all of this nonsense about breathing and breath control. You can already do that can't you? You breathe, so why learn this stuff? It is important. Don't just jump ahead to the Ventriloquist Mouth position. You need to know this stuff if you want to be a ventriloquist.

Lesson 3 – More on the Ventriloquist Mouth Position and the Ventriloquial Voice, The Ventril-o-aid and its use, and Resonant Sounds.

Lesson three takes you deeper into the ventriloquist mouth position and creation of your ventriloquial voice. You'll discover the Ventril-o-aid to help you develop steady lips that don't move when you talk. Plus you'll learn about resonant sounds and how they help to carry your voice further so the audience can understand what your puppet is saying.

Lesson 4 – Secret of the Ventriloquist Voice, Voice Placement, The Breath Streams and Voice “Throwing”, plus Practice Suggestions and Tips.

Lesson 5 – Ventriloquist Figures and Puppets, “Hard” Puppets vs. “Soft” Puppets, Novelty Puppets, Selecting a Figure or Puppet.

Lesson 6– Mouth Synchronization, Tips For Practicing Daily, and Naming Your Puppet.

Lesson 7– Manipulation of the Ventriloquist Figure, Real-Life Actions, Taking Advantage of Mistakes, plus Practice Tips and Secrets.

Lesson 8– Making the Most of Eye Movement, Pantomime Practice, “Rule-of-Three”, and Positions for Performance.

Lesson 9– Daily Practice Secrets and Suggestions, The “Magical” Word, Dealing With “Pucker” Words, Moods and More, and Pre-Show Preparation.

Lesson 10– Letters W, H, and Wh, Care of the Ventriloquist Figure, and the Slam-Bang Close.

Lesson 11 – Labial Preparation, Substitute and Alternate Letters, “Focus on F”, and “Visit with V”.

Lesson 12 – “Bothersome Labial B”, “Pesky Labial P”, plus Variations and Tips.

Lesson 13 – Technique vs. Entertainment Skills, The Success of Simplicity, Dangers of Comparison and Imitation, and Tips for Practice.

Lesson 14 – The Importance of an Act, Gestures for Greatest Impact, Pantomime Practice, Practice Dialogue, and Tips For Practice.

Lesson 15 – Banquet Performing, Involving the Audience in the Show, Reacting to the Unexpected, Mannerisms, Movement, and Courtesy.

Lesson 16 – Developing a Character, Straight Man & Comedian, Put Downs and Insults, and Effective Joke Telling.

Lesson 17 – Writing and Rewriting Jokes, Adding Punch to the Punch Line, Ventriloquist Comedy Storytelling, and Situation Comedy.

Lesson 18 – The Value of Visual Humor, Remarks to Cover Unexpected Events, Proper and Consistent Phrasing, and Encores.

Lesson 19 – Writing Effective Routines, Polishing and Perfecting Dialogues, Getting the Most From Dialogue Delivery, and Professional Pointers.

Lesson 20 – Creating Original Comedy, Impromptu Ventriloquist Shows, Movements for Misdirection, and Wardrobe.

Lesson 21 – Always Give a Good Performance, Audience Participation, Performing With Multiple figures, and Robotics.

Lesson 22 – Overcoming Stage Fright, Confidence Building, Theatrical Sense and Timing, and Dialogue Memorization.

Lesson 23 – Introduction to Distant Ventriloquism, Voice Throwing, The Muffled Voice, and Distant Voice Illusion.

Lesson 24 – The Far Distant Voice, Variations For Use of the Far Distant Voice, Practice Pointers, and Summary of Rules for the Distant Voice.

Lesson 25 – Closeup Use of the Far Distant Voice, Polyphony and Imitations, Length of An Act, and Adding Song to the Show.

Lesson 26 – Audience Types (an Overview), Children's Audiences, and Twenty Suggestions for Making the Most o a Performance for Children.

Lesson 27 – School and Library Shows, Senior Adult Shows, Church Opportunities, Family Shows, Civic, Club, and Corporate Shows.

Lesson 28 – Television for the Ventriloquist, Take Your Hobby to Work, Making Your Hobby Pay, and How Much to Charge.

Lesson 29 – Amateur, Semi-Professional, and Professional Performing. Dare to Dream!

Lesson 30 – Entrance, Bow and Exit. Audience Warm-up. Atmosphere, Poise, Showmanship, and Applause. Gospel Ventriloquism.

These ventriloquist books are a great place to start. Remember you get what you pay for. Free instruction is usually worth almost nothing. Ventriloquism is not an easy art. It is more than just playing with a puppet. Investing in your education can shorten years off your learning curve.

Not sure you want to spend money to learn? Remember that according to Forbes magazine, Jeff Dunham earns over 20 million dollars a year. So does ventriloquist Terry Fator. Ventriloquists at the low end earn $250 for a single show at a birthday party. Some earn as much as $25,000 a night performing for companies. The cost of a ventriloquist course is extremely low compared to the potential returns – if you practice.

Want to hire a ventriloquist for your next event? Contact our office now.

Improved Comedy Ventriloquist Website is Bigger and Better for Corporate Event Planners

WESTMINSTER, MD., December 18th, 2015 – Critically acclaimed corporate comedy ventriloquist and entertainer, Tom Crowl, has taken yet another step to make his virtual booking and education process incredibly easy and user-friendly with a new, all-inclusive Comedy Ventriloquist website.

Swift and continuous changes in the world of technology have prompted many business owners and bloggers to upgrade and refine their websites. Some of these changes include creating sites that are mobile friendly and highly optimized for enhanced SEO rankings. Tom Crowl and his team have worked diligently to improve both of these aspects so that event planners and corporate leaders can gain access to his informative, user-friendly website without issue. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 64% of American's own and regularly use smartphones. A large number of these users are searching for breaking news, driving directions, and life/work activities. Crowl and his team have joined these rankings so that anyone away from their desktop or laptop computer can still find information on his booking process and background as a comedy ventriloquist and entertainer.

As a regular blogger, Crowl creates and shares content related to the corporate event planning world. That blog, once hosted on a different domain, is now directly available on his Comedy Ventriloquist website. Each blog entry offers corporate entertainment ideas, as well as information to make any event a huge success. As a teacher for aspiring ventriloquists, Crowl's second blog aimed specifically at these budding entertainers is also easily accessible on his website. Combined, Crowl's sites see over twelve thousand hits a month, which is exceptional for a niche industry like ventriloquism.

The Crowl team has also worked to improve and optimize graphics for faster load time.

With all of these new aspects in place, the Tom Crowl Comedy Ventriloquist website is now a one-stop shop for corporate planners and aspiring ventriloquists. By updating SEO so the site can be found easily, and creating new content to keep the website updated and relevant, Tom Crowl and his team have created a virtual experience that is both enjoyable and informative.

Visit the fresh, new site at: http://comedyventriloquist.com/




Comedic Ventriloquist Makes Big Waves In Sunny Florida

Comedic Ventriloquist Makes Big Waves In Sunny Florida

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fl., December 16th, 2015 – Tom Crowl, nationally known comedy ventriloquist and entertainer, has once again brought the corporate world to a smiling, happy place after leaving 300 people in stitches in historic St. Augustine, Florida on December 8th, 2015.

The holiday party was held at the World Golf Village Renaissance Resort in the main ballroom. The resort is best known for its championship golf courses (Slammer & Squire, and King & Bear), as well as the World Golf Hall of Fame museum. Keith Pierson Toyota brought Crowl to the resort for a customized 45-minute performance where he expertly transformed two unsuspecting employees into human puppets. This trademark shtick is a favorite, and requested often at corporate functions. Watch how the crowd explodes with laughter at this hilarious, one-of-a-kind performance: http://comedyventriloquist.com. In the world of corporate entertainment comedy is king, and Tom Crowl delivers with flying colors every time.

Crowl flew down to the resort from Baltimore, Maryland, with his suitcase of puppets, clean comedy, and 30 years of corporate entertainment experience. Three days after the St. Augustine event, he made His way to Worland, Wyoming to entertain at Admiral Beverage. The comedy ventriloquist travels nationally on a regular basis to entertain at corporate events. He elicits total engagement every time, bringing laughter, hilarity, and genuine transformation into every room. Attendees left feeling happy and refreshed, two elements that are very much needed in the corporate world today.

Crowl’s rare talent earned him a spot on NBC’s Last Comic Standing, and thanks to his stellar performance, is often recognized from that appearance. He has also had the pleasure of being the opening act for well-known celebrities like Chubby Checkers, The Drifters, Rodney Atkins, and The Marvellettes. Appreciated nationwide for his work ethic and professionalism, Tom Crowl is an asset to any corporate event.

The professional entertainer is also a teacher, guiding aspiring ventriloquists with his online, virtual ventriloquism course. There is no other online training course like his available. In addition, Crowl hosts a fresh, new podcast called The Savvy Event Planner, where he brings on expert guests that offer tips on content marketing, event budgeting, and other much-needed resources that make corporate event planning a cinch.

For more information and to book Tom Crowl, please visit us at: http://comedyventriloquist.com.



How Much Do Corporate Entertainers Charge?

How Much Do Corporate Entertainers Charge?

The first question we often get when someone makes an inquiry is “how much?”

How much do corporate entertainers charge?

Is price really the first thing you want to know?

  1. How about, is this type of corporate entertainment right for my audience?
  2. Is this type of corporate entertainment right for my event?
  3. Is this the RIGHT corporate entertainer for the event?

Choosing corporate entertainers for your company’s upcoming event may not seem like top priority. There are a lot of pressing details that must come together seamlessly for a successful occasion.

Often, the choice of performer comes down to affordability of talent fee rather than compatibility of the performance to the event theme.

To avoid taking the path of least resistance, define the reasons for including corporate performers in your event.

Optimizing the Presence of Corporate Entertainers at your Event

Typically, the entertainment portion of a corporate event is intended as either a transition from one part of the event to the next. For instance, the performance can serve to break up the monotony of a series of formal presentations.

With prior preparation, the performance of corporate entertainers can be tailored to the theme of the event. It can be used to make a major announcement or to unveil a new product or service. Don’t hesitate to ask prospective performers if they can incorporate your brand their act. Seasoned performers will usually localize their act without being asked.

Corporate performers can be called upon to make recognition ceremonies more memorable with special attention given to awardees. Including a popular act as part of your event may increase attendance and enthusiasm for the event.

Budgeting for Corporate Performers

The fees charged by performers for corporate events vary from one performer to the next. Entertainers who are at the peak of their careers will be in demand and may have a tight schedule. These performers may charge anywhere from five to six-figure fees. In contrast, emerging performers and those with less than stellar careers may be available for a few hundred dollars.

The fees may also depend on the type of performance, the length of the appearance and other expenses such as travel, hotel expenses and some remuneration for their entourage. Some corporate performers may require additional payment for a customized production. This is especially true if the performance requires development of new material to complement your branding efforts.

Making the most of your Corporate Entertainment Budget

Including corporate entertainers in your event can serve many purposes. It is tempting to aspire for the biggest name you can get because this will create a buzz for the occasion if not some unintended promotional opportunities for your message and your event. However, the biggest may not always be the best for your corporate entertainment ideas.

Some performers may charge a premium for events that are scheduled on short notice, so plan on doing your research and securing a contract well ahead of the event. Ensure that the contract covers all contingencies, including rain dates and cancellation by either party.

Talent fees of corporate performers may not be negotiable, but you can make sure that your organization will get the most out of your entertainment budget by working closely with the chosen performers and keeping them in the information loop as needed.

To discuss corporate entertainment for your next event, contact our office now!